Terrain 01 - Part 1

31/01/2012 - 01/03/2012

Terrain 01 - The Language of Vision

“The nature of architecture and its contingent spatialities are dependent upon the possibilities in drawing itself and not upon any projected and physical space. Space, in this sense, is made in drawing, it is never merely described by drawing.” 
Kevin Rhowbotham, Form to Programme, London 1995, p.20

The first half of this 1 unit, 'The Language of Vision', will see the students led through a sequence of conceptual drawing tasks based upon an initial 'Promenade Architecturelle'. Through a repetitive cycle of drawing, overlapping and combining, students will create an abstract series of drawings that begin to propose a conceptual spatial configuration.

Within this unit, the students will begin to expand on their knowledge of spatial programme and human interaction when composing a spatial design. They will build upon their methods of diagramming and notational drawings as part of a process that will expand their ability to see, express and compose an interior space. The project sets out an investigation in how new ways of drawing can be used interchangeably as instruments in a design environment.

The research question posed is: can we develop a rigorous design process as a systematic approach or interplay between space and drawing?

By posing this question, design is viewed as a laboratory for experiments, interpretations and play. The investigation focuses on developing new methods for seeing, thinking and making of spatial design. Several of these experimental exercises will stimulate the students to look at a space differently; annotating light and spatial compositional qualities (expressing tension, geometry, balance and repetition), essentially investigating drawing and thus designing the previously unseen.

This unit will employ analogue methods of image creation: sketching, drawing, painting, collage, print making, modelling... as well as the digital methods of scanning, photography and video editing.

The design unit will involve a four-stage transformation process of the given site Canterbury Castle:

Phase 1: A study of programmes and events around Canterbury through various media.

Phase 2: To start reading into the recordings and creating analytical representations.

Phase 3: Further analysis

Phase 4: Begin making 3D models of these compositions.