Bodyscape 02 is a study of the interaction between humans and a spatial machine, creating a fictional machine with a fictional purpose and narrative and deploying it into a spatial setting.
The purpose of this unit is to begin understanding the notions of space and its programmes, and how designers can influence and change these.
As a secondary goal of the unit, students are to attend weekly video and film editing workshops to create a short film to help convey the narrative of their machines.
Phase 1 - Small Fictional Machine
Students are to begin creating a small prototype machine and consider its function as well as its setting (of course, the machines will not actually work, but they are to be constructed in a manner that would resemble a working machine). During construction, the following things are to be addressed:
1. The Generator. How does the machine create its energy/receive its power from?
2. The Narrative. What does this machine do?
3. The Structure. How does the machine function spatially? Does it lean against a wall? Does it have 8 legs?
4. The Title. What is the machine called?
Machines should be constructed from found objects and broken machinery and cost next to nothing to create. 'Upcycling'.

Phase 2 - Drawing and Site
After completion of the small fictional machine, students are then taught the correct methods of drawing scaled architectural drawings: the plan, section and elevation.
1. To teach them these drawings, a simple 1:100 floor plan of a house is given to them and they are tasked with scaling it to 1:50 and completing a plan, section and elevation.
Once the drawings are understood, the knowledge is transferred and technical drawings of their small machines are created.

2. Students are to pick a site that their machine is being created for and are then to study that site and create a notational site analysis exploring the programmes and events of the space before any method of intervention. Information can be conveyed in any method the student is comfortable with (photography, paint, pen, pencil, collage...) but must also contain a technically drawn site plan.
Phase 3 - Large Fictional Machine
After an understanding of their chosen site has been developed, students are to begin designing their second machine, this time larger. They have the option of building a new one or developing the first small one and recycling the materials they gathered.
Again, the machine must consider the Generator, Narrative, Structure and Title.
A second site analysis is then completed (in whichever method the student should prefer) of the space they are using, showing the differing programmes once their machine has been 'installed and is functioning.'